Monday, May 16, 2011

And so it begins...

.... my journey to awaken my passion for nature.

As long as I can remember I've loved being outside. Big thanks to my mom who took my brother and I on walks through the woods near our house, regular visits to the Arboretum, Rock Creek Nature Center, Kenilworth Park and Aquatic Gardens, the National Zoo and many other great and FREE natural resources in the DC area. She helped us learn how to identify, by sight and song, many of the local area birds.  I am so appreciative to mom for taking the time to teach us about the natural world around us.

Aside from enjoying and observing nature on these various excursions, I also noticed, as I got older, that we were the only or one of  few families of color visiting these places. What seemed so normal for our family was, more often than not, somewhat unique as I talked about my weekend activities with friends at school. 

Throughout college and my professional life I struggled with the strong desire and passion to do work that involved caring for animals or helping others appreciate nature and the need to earn a comfortable income.  I ended up choosing the latter. A 20 year career of event/conference planning and project management has afforded me a stable life but my passion is missing.

I feel super charged and invigorated when I take a jog and walk and hear a Downy Woodpecker in the distance; in the heart of Washington DC or sit on my back patio and look up and see a Red Tailed Hawk gliding high above towards the Capitol.
The time has come for me to finally take action. It's time for me live my passion.  I can no longer ignore my strong desire of encouraging a connection of youth to nature and eventually help broaden the scope of their awareness.

Among other things, I want to:
1. Promote appreciation and enjoyment of nature
2. Promote environmental stewardship
3. Provide "Nature Parenting" skills - lead families on trips to local natural treasures- around their neighborhood and within 30 minutes of DC; and
4. Help people learn about the trees, birds, flowers, animals, etc. most often found in our urban setting of Washington, DC

By the end of 2011, I will launch Discover Nature With Us.

More to come on the details but my first action will be to host a Discover Nature With Us Family Nature Club excursion. Plans are underway for the first trip between mid July and mid August to the Kenilworth Park and Aquatic Gardens to take advantage of the Victoria water lilies and lotuses in full bloom.